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Puppy Application

Thank you for your interest in our dogs and breeding program. Please understand that there are no right or wrong answers here. We work hard to match the right puppies to the right family, and we consider our dogs quite adaptable. We use this application as a starting point to get to know our potential Sparta families a little better.

We look forward to getting to know you.

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Please tell us about yourself....

3) Do you wish to obtain an adult or a puppy?
6) If you wish to own a Black Russian for show/breeding, are you willing to adhere to a show/breeding contract and co-ownership?
7) If you wish to obtain a Black Russian as a companion, are you willing to sign a limited registration contract and/or a spay/neuter contract?
8) If you wish to obtain a Black Russian as a companion, but may be willing to let us show it, are you interested in learning more about providing a co-ownership home for members of our breeding stock?
9) Are you interested in a Black Russian of a particular gender? Please explain.
10) Do you own or rent your home?
11) Do you have a fenced yard? If not, what are your plans for exercising your Black Russian and keeping him/her contained?
13) Do you plan to take your Black Russian to obedience classes?
14) Are you capable of meeting the social, physical, and training needs of this Black Russian?
19) Can you meet the needs of a Black Russian financially?
20) Do you agree to provide a safe, healthy, structured home environment for your Black Russian?

References Please provide name and contact information for your veterinarian (if you already have one) and provide at least one other reference who is aware of the environment in which your Black Russian will be kept.
