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Dog Shows

Celebrating GCHB Sparta’s The Flying Dutchman’s Fantastic Group 3 Win at Silver Falls Kennel Club

Celebrating GCHB Sparta’s The Flying Dutchman’s Fantastic Group 3 Win at Silver Falls Kennel Club

We are thrilled to announce that our beloved GCHB Sparta’s The Flying Dutchman, CGC, achieved a fantastic Group 3 win at the Silver Falls Kennel Club this past Saturday. Competing among many remarkable dogs, Sparta stood out and was awarded this prestigious placement by Judge Sharol Candace Way, to whom we extend our heartfelt gratitude. […]

Dutch Flies Through Klamath Falls!

Dutch Flies Through Klamath Falls!

✨Our boy Dutch “GCH Sparta’s The Flying Dutchman CGC” took a trip down to Klamath Falls this past weekend and had some amazing successes!!! ✨Picking up a Group 4 on Friday and a Group 1 today!!! Thank you to the judges Ms. JoAnne Buehler for the Grp4 and Ms. Marcie Dobkin for the very exciting [...]